Our Vision

Everyone deserves to be cared for unconditionally as unique creation of God. We envision MHS which produces MASTERIANS who…
M – anage time efficiently
A – ttune members of the community as they step into the transformational society.
S – trive for excellence in all aspects of teaching and learning
T – ake stewardship seriously
E – stablished good relationships and services with faith filled community
R – espond to the call of the changing society and be prepared for the demands of the highly technological and global community
I – nvolve themselves in productive and meaningful activities that foster a caring and creative environment which is responsive to their stage of development
A – dhere to the virtues in maintaining ones composure
N – urture an environment characterized by mutual respect
S – hape lives according to the gospel values

Our Mission

•  Their readiness in adopting themselves in the kind of environment where they belong

• The importance of becoming an active citizen and responsible steward of our changing world

• The awareness of using their creative minds and compassion for others.

• To be champions growing personally, emotionally, and spiritually using unique perspective, enormous potential

• That God shaped us for a purpose and He expects us to make the most out of what we have

Our Philosophy

We believe that …

• Learner is distinctive and a gifted creator of human race.
• Learner is resourceful, competent and active’
• Education is a shared and joined endeavor amongst families, community, and educational institutions.
• Education is a life-long process and develops learners to be responsive and active members of society.
• Education atmosphere should be favorable for the common good of human race.

Because we care ...

We develop a deep awareness of our pupils’ challenges and needs and are better able to help them; affirm their dignity and a trusting relationship.
Caring gesture can have a huge impact on them,
We Love … We Care!
Your child is in good hands.
We are a team at MHS.